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Stradivarius Revolutionizes Online Perfume Sales with REALFRAG ​​CARD

The fashion brand belonging to the Inditex group selected our REALFRAG ​​perfume sampling system to promote cross-selling between clothing and perfumes in the online channel. This very high fidelity sample allows consumers to try women's and men's fragrances. Each sample can be used up to 30 times.

Card with olfactory samples from the brand Stradivarius

The exclusive Stradivarius products were presented on a card with 6 different perfumes, and the card includes 6 QR codes that allow consumers to access the products' website and then make the purchase. The distribution of these samples was through online shopping shipping boxes. The campaign resulted in a notable increase in perfume sales thanks to this cross-sampling strategy.”

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Craftmen Transforms the Perfume Testing Experience with REALFRAG ​​DESIGN

Craftmen, the perfume company with the Bless, Epica and Marchand de Aromes brands, opted for our 'on the pack' sampling system so that consumers can try their perfumes before purchasing.​​​​

Printed olfactory labels made from the brand Craftmen

In retail, perfume testing has become increasingly complex. Many perfumery and pharmacy outlets do not have testers on their shelves, which makes it difficult for customers to choose. Additionally, some perfume companies require a minimum purchase per fragrance to deliver the tester, which affects testing in small perfumeries.

To solve this problem, Craftmen decided to use our REALFRAG ​​DESIGN label, a four-color printed sample designed to be placed on the outer packaging of the perfume. This sample allows all containers in the line to have a tester. “This new system makes it easier for companies to demonstrate perfumes in all points of sale in the country, avoiding logistical costs and loss of sales due to lack of tasting.”

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Medical Tests

Olfactory Innovation for Medical Testing at Harvard University

The olfactory quality of a sample is crucial in medical olfactory testing. For this reason, research neurologists from Harvard University in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital chose us for their medical studies of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and for "Long COVID" olfactory training.

Aromha Covid Tests

Researchers developed two olfactory tests using our REALFRAG ​​labels as a support with a wide range of odors (such as coffee, grass, smoke and even garbage smell). The results of the studies are loaded into a system that helps determine the situation of each patient through an algorithm.​​​

Aromha Alzhaimer Tests

All devices are entirely manufactured in our plant. Our olfactory quality has allowed researchers to accurately evaluate patients, and we have received their thanks and recognition.

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Catalog Sales

The Key to Success in Selling Perfumes by Catalog

In the catalog sales industry, resellers create a wide network of contacts by offering products to their potential customers.

For the demonstration and sale of perfumes, our REALFRAG ​​olfactory samples are essential. Leading companies in catalog sales, such as Fuller, Amway, Gigot, Amodil, etc. They use these labels in their catalogs so that resellers can show the perfumes to their customers. This testing strategy has been shown to increase sales by 5 to 7 times.

Fuller catalog with our olfactory sample

The samples are low cost, they automatically adhere to the catalog and, unlike other technologies such as Scratch and Sniff that have few uses and a lower olfactory level, REALFRAG ​​allows resellers to show the product to at least 30 potential customers. .

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Samples for the skin

Gisada Achieves Innovative Sensory Experience With Skin Perfume Samples

Choosing a perfume is a very personal decision, therefore, exposing the products to customers through samples is a determining factor.

Samples of Skinfraf for Gisada's perfumes

Thanks to our exclusive SKINFRAG system, the Gisada perfume brand achieved the experience of its perfumes by combining the notes of the fragrance with the skin, creating a close intimacy with its customers.

The SKINFRAG applicator is a small device that allows you to apply perfume to the skin. Unlike vials, we offer cheaper and safer samples for shipping.​

In the case of Gisada, SKINFRAG was distributed in international perfumery chains, reaching a wide audience.

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